Vegetables and Fruit – the Nutrition Source

No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to grow up and prosper, but eating some of them every day you will make sure that you bestow your organism with all the elements you need. Meals rich in fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk of heart attack and digestive problems, they prevent some types of cancer,  have positive effect on your skin and brain functioning. Their low glycemic index keep sugar peaks in check. Older students prepared the e-publication about vitamins and elements, they younger ones took part in various games and plays during which they learned the English names of the seasonal fruit and vegetables. The activities they performed: 

  • Learning the names of the fruit and vegetables, labelling parts of plants, deciding which parts are edible, prioritizing them in terms of vitamin content 
  • Making pictures from fruit and vegetables and preparing healthy snacks
  • Engaging students in breakout room games – reviewing material and problem – solving skills in  groups working together to solve a series of challenges in order to find subsequent clues before the time limit expires. They are an engaging activity to review content as well as foster collaboration and problem-solving skills.
  • Making laparellos and lapbooks – the folders in which students in a creative way presented food pyramids, their diet requirements, fruit and vegetables and healthy tips customized to emphasize the subject of the lapbbook. All the resources were collected and presented on the exhibition held in the school hall, as well as other games made by students, such as memory, decide wheels etc.

Legality Day

In today’s social environment schools should building awareness and opportunities for civic awareness and action and students should learn the value of civic participation. Giving students some grounds of civic education we teach them how to work within a system. They are also taught prioritization of social values, constraints of the state laws and rules of true democracy. People can thrive and achieve their objectives only in societies where their rights are respected, and the rules established are obeyed. Students from IC  Diotti in Casalmaggiore dealth with the most  serious fears about the condition of our society: widespread dishonesty, lack of solidarity and empathy, a lost sense of community, carelessness about the weaker. Being aware of the risks helped them  face the reality and do whatever it takes to straighten things up.They worked together on the script for a special episode on legality, which was recorded in order to celebrate the National Day in Memory and they presented topics related to legality and presented it on stage on the last day of school year.

Virtual mobility

After agreeing on the date and length of the meeting to suit each of the partner schools, we decided to organize a video conference. Each school gathered a team of 8 – 12 students eager to meet their friends from other countries. Google meet platform was used to get in touch before and set up all the details and for the meeting itself, taking place on 20thof May 2021. The schedule of the video conference looked as follows: 

Schedule of activities 

  • Introducing teams
  • Taking group photos by the padlet 
  • Healthy habits – brainstorming 
  • What do you know about the country the wheel decide picked for you 
  • Name 5 – a team contest 
  • What have you got for breakfast? Interviewing partners.
  • Kahoot – a general knowledge quiz (each country prepared the questions) 
  • Draw your lunch and breakfast using Jamboard 
  • Healthy tips – how important are they for you – discussing ideas and uploading them on Mentimeter 

Unfortunately, due to technical problems and safety regulations at schools we were unable to let our students interview each other as we had planned before. Nevertheless, students could see each other, take part in games prepared together. They could confront their conceptions of healthy lifestyle, find out what they knew about their partner countries, compete in quizzes. We could compare what we conceive of breakfasts and school lunches as all the participants were expected to draw them and label them on the common virtual board. First of all, however, it was a two-hour distraction from the school routine and a chance to ties bonds between the partners.