Teachers’ board

As the common product of the 3 years long project, whose aim was teaching how to create and maintain good habits, how to adopt new ways of life, manage our stress level and make our schools better, more approachable and pleasant places We decided to share the resources which were made throughout the duration of the project. This is a collection of presentations, worksheets, quizzes and other resources. Obviously, the building itself plays the essential role, but it is the teacher, his or her attitude, creativity and his or her stance on how to approach students, is the vital element of the process of learning. Here, all the collected materials can be used to make lessons more inspiring and interesting.

The reasons for sharing the collection: https://padlet.com/tambelli_sylwia/rerhg164zt0ktt65

  • providing the ready to use material for thinking, writing, talking, and problem solving 
  • stimulating critical thinking
  • developing key competences in foreign languages
  • providing the context for teaching about adopting healthy habits
  • exchanging good practices
  • providing material for game based learning
  • encouraging open communication, curiosity and exploration.

E-guide for teachers

Not only did students benefit from the project, the teachers did either. We learned a lot since for some time we had to quit all the traditional methods and learn how to deal with the virtual reality. We managed to do it and, moreover, we decided to share our finding with other teachers. Gathering all our findings, observations and experiences gained during virtual meetings we decided to develop our own guide over tried-out solutions and IC tools which were applied for different activities. It is not a ICT guide sensu stricte. Some tips for using tools are included, but it is supposed to inspire rather than be a manual.

The objectives of publishing this guide:

  • encouraging the wide spread of ideas
  • sharing good practices
  • disseminating information about some tools to the community 
  • encouraging virtual collaboration
  • disseminating results produced throughout the duration of the project
  • extending the frontiers of creativity and imagination
  • inspiring those who want to organize virtual or blended mobilities but don’t know how to start it.

Here you may download the guide:


Teach more effectively

Online teaching turned some traditional teaching methods over and triggered a lot of changes in teachers’ approach towards IT technologies. We made a lot of efforts to try to snap at this situation and do our best to convince some teachers to using IT tools easily and frequently. Since peer to peer education was also one of the project objectives our teachers organized and led online workshops during which we shared our favourite digital tools. Educators presented a wide range of websites, activities that can be done and they provided some examples how to, using them, enhance the classroom experience. They showed practical and theoretical workshops, as well as presented their best practices. Teachers could see how to test online, prepare flipped lessons, collect useful websites, collaborate during the classes, how to make games and prepare other helpful resources.

Welcome to Gdańsk!

As the coordinator of the project Szkoła Podstawowa no35 z Oddziałami Sportowymi organized the first meeting of the teachers from the partner schools.

Not only ice, but all the barriers breaking.

The teachers took part in two activities, one of them was ‚Odyssey of Mind’ workshop, performed by two licensed coaches. The workshop consisted of numerous mind teasing and creativity wakening activities which demanded collaborative work. The tasks involved logical thinking, drama activities, solving verbal spontanous problems and hands-on puzzles. It was a good chance to know each other better and collect some good ideas for introducing some creativity and out of the box thinking to our regular school activities.

The next activity, to which we invited our fellow teachers from other primary and secondary schools, was CLIL workshop, performed by Hanna Kryszewska, trainer at DOCED at University of Oxford, University of Gdansk and the editor of Humanising Language Teaching website magazine. We were presented an educational approach based on the integrated learning of foreign language and content. Acquiring foreign language through subject-related contents is supposed to encourage learning, what is one of the objectives of our European project.