In today’s social environment schools should building awareness and opportunities for civic awareness and action and students should learn the value of civic participation. Giving students some grounds of civic education we teach them how to work within a system. They are also taught prioritization of social values, constraints of the state laws and rules of true democracy. People can thrive and achieve their objectives only in societies where their rights are respected, and the rules established are obeyed. Students from IC Diotti in Casalmaggiore dealth with the most serious fears about the condition of our society: widespread dishonesty, lack of solidarity and empathy, a lost sense of community, carelessness about the weaker. Being aware of the risks helped them face the reality and do whatever it takes to straighten things up.They worked together on the script for a special episode on legality, which was recorded in order to celebrate the National Day in Memory and they presented topics related to legality and presented it on stage on the last day of school year. https://padlet.com/marinabonfatti010/lt20l05jpukwwn75?fbclid=IwAR2VV79Ta0o6WJNoHJs0M_z60fzWcKCqOTIXVDnClaEt49bK40Eg2ALTuv0