It is now 6 years since we started celebrating the World Health Day making it a School Health Week, because for a few days we try to draw attention of to whole school community to health issues. During the week various activities are performed, all of them aimed at:
- promoting health
- developing students’ ability to recognize disturbing symptoms
- encouraging students to adopt regular sport activities
- emphasizing on good eating habits
- sensitizing students on realizing the connection between physical and mental health
- spreading awareness of the role of rest and relax in everybody’s life
To achieve these objectives we organized:
- a lecture about functioning of the brain, delivered by a psychologist Joanna Klimaszewska
- a lecture about nutrients, delivered by a dietetician, Aneta Kałużna
- how ADHD brains function – a lecture delivered by a psychologist, Martyna Domańska
- how to care for one’s body when you grow up, a lecture delivered by Anna Walentukiewicz
- first aid workshops delivered by Dorota Rycharska
- grab a snack – cookery workshops
- how to sleep well – workshops conducted by a psychologist Marcin Ciepliński
- active dancing breaks
- contests, tournaments, games, escape rooms, presentations.