Life becomes less stressful if you know the rules of how to deal with some situations in different places. To understand how important some informal regulations are we made a list of all the places where they are especially significant. They took part in a quiz about customs trying to guess where the rules are obeyed, afterwards we discussed the differences between mustn’t and shouldn’t or have to and should and after that the students in groups made their own lists of rules for different places in which one should be careful and know how to act. Next, they designed their own leaflets with rules which should be followed in some chosen by them places. The younger students celebrated ‚Good Manners Day. They studied some typical situations and decided if the person presented behaves well or badly. Next, they created images depicting examples of good and bad behaviour.
The objectives of the activities:
- making students believe that positive behaviour is a life skill and that should be taught
- spreading awareness of the impact of some rules on our well -being and self confidence
- understanding that everyone should respect other people’s rights and privacy
- naming the rules of proper and not so proper conduct
- learning how to behave in a considerate way
- realizing that in case you don’t know how to behave you should behave decently, not hurting anyone.