A sense of individuality and a sense of self-esteem are both the most determining factors in how children feel, think, behave, and motivate themselves in the world. If children believe in themselves and they are able to recognize their skills they can take positive actions on their own behalf and approach life obstacles as challenges to accept and cope with. To learn how to manage these skills, during English classes and form periods 4th Grade children, using visual materials talked about their skills and competences. After that they prepared a survey about abilities and carried it out asking other pupils what they can do. They calculated the results and presented them on graphs. Afterwards they depicted the features characteristic for them.
The objectives of the activities:
- being able to name sport activities and hobbies
- working in a team, sharing duties
- improving their math skills
- taking the time for personal reflection
- perceiving oneself as an individual being
- boosting a sense of children’s self-esteem
- giving them an opportunity for learning in a different way
- encouraging them to speak about their abilities and competences