Finally, after two years we could meet again. The schedule of short terms exchanges of groups of pupils was turned upside down though, because we restarted the project from the last planned mobility C8 in Alquerias. Apart from that, everything went according to the plan. The superior topic of the mobility was food and influence of a right diet on our functioning, our lifestyle and achieving life goals. The activities which the students took part in involved:
- presentations of the schools
- introduction games
- cooking workshops
- sports routine
- visit to a local manufacturer of citrus fruits
- studying healthy dietary habits and making presentations about common diets
- a visit to open-air marches and talking about food typical in the area
- creating a Kahoot game

Apart from the activities planned in the frame of the project’s objectives the students visited also the most famous places in the area to learn about Spanish culture and history and their paid a visit in the town mayor office. They did enjoy their stay in Murcia and Alquerias.