Erasmus+ Days

The event we created to showcase the impact of our project and the experiences of us, as the beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ Programme, was an online partners meeting, during which we summed up the activities and results of the first year of the project and adjusted the previously planned actions to the Covid 19 sanitary requirements.

Another event we organized was a video conference for teachers from the neighbouring schools, who also coordinate Erasmus+ projects. We exchanged views about online solutions we have been applying to perform our activities in the changed circumstances, we discussed the benefits of mobilities; displaying photos, products and films we highlighted our projects’ achievements, and showed the impact of Erasmus+ funding. We also discussed the benefits which sharing good practices brings to schools and how life long learning shapes us, teachers, making us more effective.

The presentation displayed by our school:

The first year of the project – the summary

As to sum up all the activities performed this year we made a film highlighting all the most important events and undertakings which have taken place. We started from the first meeting of the teachers, during which we got familiar with each other, established the rules of the cooperation, and made a schedule of the activities. Next, the first exchange of students followed and afterwards, since no meetings could be organized due to the Covid 19 regulations we present in this video some of the tasks which we were trying to do online.

Teach more effectively

Online teaching turned some traditional teaching methods over and triggered a lot of changes in teachers’ approach towards IT technologies. We made a lot of efforts to try to snap at this situation and do our best to convince some teachers to using IT tools easily and frequently. Since peer to peer education was also one of the project objectives our teachers organized and led online workshops during which we shared our favourite digital tools. Educators presented a wide range of websites, activities that can be done and they provided some examples how to, using them, enhance the classroom experience. They showed practical and theoretical workshops, as well as presented their best practices. Teachers could see how to test online, prepare flipped lessons, collect useful websites, collaborate during the classes, how to make games and prepare other helpful resources.

Healthy eating

Proper eating habits are essential for healthy lifestyle, which, in turn, helps to manage stress, increases efficiency of the immune system, restores balance and makes our life calmer and better organized. Needless to say, cooking and having meals together is considered one of the most bonding and pleasant pastimes. In order to introduce the topic to the students we are sharing the teaching resources for online English classes.

The objectives of the lessons:

  • naming products and cooking terms in English
  • identifying and classifying macronutrients
  • defining the rules of a Mediterranean diet and listing them
  • comparing the rules of a Mediterranean diet with one’s own eating habits
  • designing one’s own recipe
  • accepting proper eating habits
  • advocating the rules of healthy eating
The lesson resources

Use sport to relieve your stress

Regular exercises cause remarkable changes to our body, our metabolism, our spirits and well being. It has a unique capacity to boost one’s stamina and rest at the same time, as it provides both stimulation and calmness. In order to promote sports each of the school prepared a dictionary of sports. Each of the team was in charge of one specific area, Italian – olympic sports, Spain – water sports, Portugal team sports and Poland – winter sports. Students had to brainstorm for terms, after that they had to design their dictionaries, find photos illustrating the disciplines, places where these sports are performed, name athletes and provide the examples of the necessary equipment. Next they swapped their dictionaries letting other students provide the words in their native languages. It allowed for collaboration, learning English words and comparing words in different languages.

The link to the dictionary:


Apart from the dictionaries students made also quizzes about sports and they played an escape room game about sport disciplines.

We also prepared the mini – biographies of our favourite athletes.

The link to the collection:

Follow a healthy lifestyle

We have had the visit of a nurse of the local NHS, who made an oral presentation to all the students of the school talking them about how to follow a healthy lifestyle, specially in terms of food and diet. She provided them with the key factors that compose a healthy diet and gave them tricks to make it as easy as possible for them and helped them when answering all the questions the students had for her. They were curious and enthusiastic about this activity! Specially those who are taking part in the project, as for them it was a really interesting opportunity to go in depth in its objectives and it was another source of motivation for them. 

The objectives of the activity:

  • understanding the role of nutrients in the body
  • classifying nutrients, their functions, and food sources and compare the nutritive value of various foods
  • assessing the effects of nutritional intake on health, appearance, effective job performance, and personal life
  • understanding the neccesity of reducing fat and calories in food intake

World Health Days

This year for the fifth time our school has celebrated the World Health Day. This spring, because of the lockdown, we had to organize it online. The team of teachers in charge of arranging the event were collecting the resources which afterwards were uploaded on the paddlet and students ask well as their tutors and parents were continuously encouraged to make themselves familiar with the resources. All the materials were classified into:

  • recipes for healthy food, which included video clips presenting healthy snacks made by the teachers
  • video clips about motivation and controlling emotions
  • presentations about the effects which smoking has got on the human body
  • tips on the healthy diet
  • pieces of advice on being fit and boosting stamina
  • some information about preservatives and coloring food

Italian students developed presentations about the new rules which they are obliged to follow according to the Covid -19 regulations. All the works were collected in one publication.

Finally, students took part in the virtual breakout game, during which they could check how much they had learned during the classes and from the resources collected. They did like the game and managed to break out from the surgery.

How to achieve success?

During online lessons, due to the lockdown we could work relying on tools, different from the ones, used on a daily basis in the classroom. One of them is the WebQuest method, which enables incorporating the Internet resources into the classroom and encourages critical thinking skills, such as: comparing, verifying, classifying, inducing and analysing perspectives. Learners have to select the information and transform them. not able to simply regurgitate information they find, but are guided towards a transformation of that information in order to achieve a given task.

The students tried to answer the following questions:

  1. What makes a great athlete? 
  2. Which personality traits are indispensable if you want to achieve success?
  3. What is the difference between inner and outer motivation?
  4. How important is family support?
  5. ‚The only place success comes before work is the dictionary’ V. Lombardi – do you agree with this statement?
  6. What makes a great athlete?
  7. Who is an athlete you admire? Why? What was his way to the top? 
  8. What skills do you have to have to achieve success? 
  9. What can stop you from the success? 
  10. Shortlist some tips for achieving success.

Breakfast time!

This activity was performed totally online. The 3rd Grade pupils learned about healthy snacks, how to make them and why they are good for them. They had to separate unhealthy snacks from the healthy ones and plan their own breakfast.

After that the pupils were asked to design their own breakfast, make it, describe what was used and take a photo. All the photos and descriptions were collected and compiled in one book published online.–vSY4/m2UZikRERKqZi7pRXDYFNg

Break time!

Actually it was the pupils’ idea to prepare a set of short sport activities which can be used in mini-breaks in the middle of the lesson or as a warming up at the beginning of the lesson. The pupils, split in groups, made a list of exercises they especially enjoyed, described the procedure and performed them so that they could be photographed. They wanted to show their warm-up during the festival of Foreign Languages regularly held in our school at the beginning of spring. Because of the lockdown they weren’t able to do it so we published the photographs in one online book.–vSY4/pl5oWRuaRxyYZCYLIDjmIQ