This year for the fifth time our school has celebrated the World Health Day. This spring, because of the lockdown, we had to organize it online. The team of teachers in charge of arranging the event were collecting the resources which afterwards were uploaded on the paddlet and students ask well as their tutors and parents were continuously encouraged to make themselves familiar with the resources. All the materials were classified into:
- recipes for healthy food, which included video clips presenting healthy snacks made by the teachers
- video clips about motivation and controlling emotions
- presentations about the effects which smoking has got on the human body
- tips on the healthy diet
- pieces of advice on being fit and boosting stamina
- some information about preservatives and coloring food
Italian students developed presentations about the new rules which they are obliged to follow according to the Covid -19 regulations. All the works were collected in one publication. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFKzv4S_Ak/WnO0pXT3iFfrKHCKIOcidA/view?utm_content=DAFKzv4S_Ak&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=homepage_design_menu
Finally, students took part in the virtual breakout game, during which they could check how much they had learned during the classes and from the resources collected. They did like the game and managed to break out from the surgery.